COVID - 19 Updates
March 10, 2022 3:45pm
May 11, 2021 9:12am
October 18, 2020 4:52pm
We are looking into opening the third week of November, pending a safe environment.
August 2, 2020 3:48pm
Given the recent and severe increases of COVID-19 cases in the Lexington area, the leadership has decided to suspend in-person services until it is deemed safe. Therefore, there is not a current timeline of when in-person services will resume.
May 16th 12:34pm
Although we are allowed to have in-person worship by order of the Governor. Bethsaida Baptist Church will not resume in-person services until at least mid-June, pending positive COVID-19 updates.
March 16, 2020 10:14am
Please be advised. Considering all that is related to the Coronavirus Epidemic, I'm making this Pastoral decision that all non essential services, practices, Bible Studies, etc... be postponed & cancelled until further notice starting today at Bethsaida. The Missionary Breakfast and Missionary Day are also postponed. We need to follow the CDC, State & Federal advisories & commands as necessary. We also will post if we will be having Sunday services this Sunday. Please be advised & spread this notification with all our members. Please get the word out.
Please fill free to contact me at anytime.
God Bless,
Dr. Bishop Carter, Pastor
March 13, 2020 at 11:15pm
In light of Governor Beshear's statment on the coronavirus, we plan to proceed with our Sunday services and activities as normal. CBDA Moderator, Dr. Moore, and the board of directors has provided the following guidelines:
1. Follow all CDC guidelines and recommendations for who should or should attend services based upon an individuals at-risk health condition as noted on their website at
2. Follow the recommended Hand Hygiene Practices as noted on the CDC website at
3. Follow to the best of your ability the recommended social distancing practices. In particularly refrain from holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc.
4. Disinfect your service areas prior to use.
5. Please insist that anyone feeling ill to please stay home and not attend services.
6. If parishioners do stay home or in the event that services are cancelled, encourage them to remain faithful in their giving by using your church's online giving resources or by mailing in their tithes and offerings. Even during this period the church must still meet their financial obligations.
7. Consider preparing a plan for ministering to your elderly members who choose to stay in and avoid all crowds including grocery stores, etc.
8. Consider using the hand hygiene attachment to this email as a bulletin insert for your parishioners.
Download the Handwashing and Hand Sanitizer use factsheet.
Updates with service cancellations are shared on our newsletter. Question and concerns may be forwarded to [email protected].
This situation is changing and challenging day to day activities by the moment. So please stay prayerful and try to stay as informed as possible. Hopefully these tidbits are helpful. Be blessed!
March 10, 2022 3:45pm
- MARCH 6, 2022 marked our Return to In-Person Services
- We returned to in-person service on March 6. We will continue with the abbreviated service (Sunday School Summary at 9:30am and Worship at 10:00am) until we are confident numbers continue to decline. Don't forget to "Spring Forward" and set your clocks AHEAD before going to sleep Saturday night.
- The decision to return to in-person services was made after seeing numbers of COVID infections going down in the city. If everything continues to go well, we will return to in-person service on March 6. We will continue with the abbreviated service (Sunday School Summary at 9:30am and Worship at 10:00am) until we are confident numbers continue to decline.
- From Rev. Carter: We are going to stop in-person service as of Sunday, January 16, 2022. We will move to virtual services on FaceBook Live Only. Sunday service will be live-streamed from Bethsaida. Attendance is strictly limeted to the choir and musicians, AV Team, Sunday School Presenter, Rev. Carter and selected deacons and/or associate ministers. The plan is to continue like this at least through the end of February.
May 11, 2021 9:12am
- We will be on Facebook Live ONLY
- We will be in-person AND on Facebook Live
- We will follow the same format that we have used for the past 14 months: 9:30am Sunday School Summary followed by Worship Service
- Masks must be worn at all times - temperatures will be checked
- Six foot distancing required between you/your family and another individual/family
- Ushers will guide you to your seats
- If you feel ill, please worship with us online
- Click here for the full list of guidelines -
- If you have any questions or concerns please reply to this email ([email protected]).
October 18, 2020 4:52pm
We are looking into opening the third week of November, pending a safe environment.
August 2, 2020 3:48pm
Given the recent and severe increases of COVID-19 cases in the Lexington area, the leadership has decided to suspend in-person services until it is deemed safe. Therefore, there is not a current timeline of when in-person services will resume.
May 16th 12:34pm
Although we are allowed to have in-person worship by order of the Governor. Bethsaida Baptist Church will not resume in-person services until at least mid-June, pending positive COVID-19 updates.
March 16, 2020 10:14am
Please be advised. Considering all that is related to the Coronavirus Epidemic, I'm making this Pastoral decision that all non essential services, practices, Bible Studies, etc... be postponed & cancelled until further notice starting today at Bethsaida. The Missionary Breakfast and Missionary Day are also postponed. We need to follow the CDC, State & Federal advisories & commands as necessary. We also will post if we will be having Sunday services this Sunday. Please be advised & spread this notification with all our members. Please get the word out.
Please fill free to contact me at anytime.
God Bless,
Dr. Bishop Carter, Pastor
March 13, 2020 at 11:15pm
In light of Governor Beshear's statment on the coronavirus, we plan to proceed with our Sunday services and activities as normal. CBDA Moderator, Dr. Moore, and the board of directors has provided the following guidelines:
1. Follow all CDC guidelines and recommendations for who should or should attend services based upon an individuals at-risk health condition as noted on their website at
2. Follow the recommended Hand Hygiene Practices as noted on the CDC website at
3. Follow to the best of your ability the recommended social distancing practices. In particularly refrain from holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc.
4. Disinfect your service areas prior to use.
5. Please insist that anyone feeling ill to please stay home and not attend services.
6. If parishioners do stay home or in the event that services are cancelled, encourage them to remain faithful in their giving by using your church's online giving resources or by mailing in their tithes and offerings. Even during this period the church must still meet their financial obligations.
7. Consider preparing a plan for ministering to your elderly members who choose to stay in and avoid all crowds including grocery stores, etc.
8. Consider using the hand hygiene attachment to this email as a bulletin insert for your parishioners.
Download the Handwashing and Hand Sanitizer use factsheet.
Updates with service cancellations are shared on our newsletter. Question and concerns may be forwarded to [email protected].
This situation is changing and challenging day to day activities by the moment. So please stay prayerful and try to stay as informed as possible. Hopefully these tidbits are helpful. Be blessed!