The space currently known as Jonestown was originally purchased in 1817 by Samuel Wilson. In 1883 Wilson sold 50 acres to Thomas Jones and the name Jonesborough was given to the area. Thomas Jones subdivided the land in 1893 and offered it for sale to interested Blacks. The first Black buyer was Jonathan Hardy who further subdivided the land to smaller plots suitable for home sites and offered sites for other Blacks. It was in that area that Blacks settled in Jonestown and the first church was built.
Rev. Isaiah Sailles organized and built Bethsaida Baptist Church in late 1860’s. A new church building was erected soon after. The Colored Baptist Church purchased the property on July 18, 1892 for $5,300 from Thomas and Emily Jones. The final deed was dated June 30, 1893 and listed as Route One Tates Creek Pike.
In 1921 Rev. J. H. Mason was called as pastor and the present church building was erected in 1922 under his leadership. In 1927, Rev. William M. Arnold was called as pastor. The first choir was organized under his leadership.
In 1933 the first homecoming was organized by Sis. Helen Ray Smith. In 1935, the Negro school property was purchased for $400 and used as a dining room. After World War II ended, the church held a Banquet for the men that served in the Armed Forces and their families. In 1967 the Church address was changed from Route #1 Tates Creek, to 3700 Tates Creek Pike.
In April 1982, Rev. Bishop Carter III was called and currently serves as pastor. In 1995, the church received road front property in exchange for the old school property and a monetary donation by the developer of the property in Jonestown. August 1995 Groundbreaking ceremonies were held at Bethsaida for the building project that started in 1988.
March 31, 1996 the final Sunday service was held in the "old" Bethsaida Church. The church leased space in a shopping center on Pimlico Parkway to hold its Sunday school and worship services while the church was under renovation and construction. In June 1996 the building project started. For the first time in the church’s more that 125 year existence, a steeple was raised on September 23, 1996.
In 2008, Dr Carter proclaimed his vision to build God’s church from the inside out by announcing “Serve, Suffer, Sacrifice—It’s time for Action!” In keeping with that vision, the church has seen growth in the types of ministries offered and in each individual’s commitment to seeing the church grow.